Collective Brand Workshop "Thai Nguyen Tea" is protected in the United States

15:12, 25/04/2017

In the morning of April 20, the Department of Science and Technology organized the Collective Brand Workshop "Thai Nguyen Tea" protected at the United States. Participating the Workshop are Representatives of the National Office of Intellectual Property, Vietnam Tea Association, some departments, localities and representatives of tea producers and traders in the province.

At the workshop, The participants heard speeches on: Assessing the management, use and development of the collective brand "Thai Nguyen tea" in the period from 2006 to 2016; Publication of the protection certification for collective brand "Thai Nguyen tea" in the United States; Proposed solutions to effectively exploit the value of collective brand "Thai Nguyen tea" in the US ...


In the process of intensive international integration, Thai Nguyen tea products have faced many challenges in intellectual property. The purpose of ensuring the legitimate use of the trademark "Thai Nguyen tea" for organizations and individuals that are eligible to use and prevent illegal use of trademarks, as well as increase the economic value of the products, expand consumer market ..., On July 2014, the provincial People's Committee has assigned the Department of Science and Technology to chair and coordinate with the relevant organizations to register the protection of collective brand at three countries and territories: United states, China and Taiwan.


On February 2016, the collective brand "Thai Nguyen Tea" was granted the protection certification in the United states and is expected to be protected in China and Taiwan at the end of this year. This will be a favorable condition to enhance the value and competitiveness of Thai Nguyen tea products in potential overseas markets as well as minimize the risk of brand misappropriation in the international market, create opportunities for organizations and individuals participating in producing and trading Thai Nguyen tea.