The award of the Order of Friendship for Gyeongsangbuk-Do Mayor

17:26, 22/02/2017

On February 20 afternoon, authorized by the President, the provincial People's Committee held a ceremony solemnly awarded the Friendship Medal of Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Mr. Kim Kwan Yong, governor of Gyeongsangbuk -Do (South Korea). Attending the ceremony were representatives of the Korean Embassy in Vietnam and Gyeongsangbuk-Do provincial leaders.

Thai Nguyen delegation consisted of Mr. Tran Quoc To, Member of the Party Central Committee, Party Secretary, Head of the provincial delegation of the National Assembly; Mr. Bui Xuan Hoa, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial Council; Mr. Vu Hong Bac, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Chairman; Commissioner of Provincial Standing Committee: Mr. Le Van Tuan, Head of the provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department; Mr. Nguyen Khac Lam, Deputy Chairman of the Permanent People's Council; and leaders of departments, agencies, unions, organizations and schools in the province.


Thai Nguyen province and Gyeongsangbuk-Do province entered into a twinning relationship since 2005 in various fields (such as culture, tourism and new rural construction ...). In particular, the program of new rural construction in Thai Nguyen has received the support and special assistance of Gyeongsangbuk-Do, the most noteworthy is the project constructing a new village called Semaul funded by Gyeongsangbuk-Do. This consisted of  culture houses of Rung Van commune and La Bang commune (Dai Tu) valued $115.000 and reconstruction 4km power lines, 500m canals infield, 11 plows, 10 spraying machines, 500 tons of cement to make 5km concrete roads of Rung Van commune . Besides, a number of other items in La Bang commune also benefit from the project, such as health stations, primary school...


At the ceremony, authorized by the President, Mr. Tran Quoc To solemnly awarded the Friendship Medal of Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Mr. Kim Kwan Yong  for outstanding achievements in the development of friendly relations between Gyeongsangbuk-Do and Thai Nguyen, contributing to solidarity, friendship and cooperation relations between Vietnam and South Korea.


Mr. Kim Kwan Yong thanked Vietnamese Government for this prestigious award and confirmed that the relationship and cooperation between the two countries South Korea and Vietnam will increasingly grow.