CHIEN CONG NATURAL MINERAL AND INDUSTRY JOINT STOCK COMPANY: Sub-contract on exploring and exploiting natural minerals in Laos

10:53, 31/12/2016

27th December, 2015 at the 38th meeting of committee of inter-government on bilateral cooperation between Vietnam and Laos taking place in Vientiane, Laos’government signed the sub-contract with Chien Cong natural minerals and industry joint stock company on exploring copper and gold adding to the contract between company with Laos’government in Nonghet district, Xiengkhoang province, and Phuon district, Huaphanh province

Now company explored and exlpoited more than 7000 ton. For the quarter III in 2016, company will export to Thai Nguyen province to test technology for manufacturing several metal such as zinc, lead, copper, gold. And tentatively, by quarter IV in 2017, company will build factory to produce such kinds of metal in Xiengkhoang province.

Investment in Laos is meaningful to socio-economy, contributing to industrial development of Laos, bringing economic effectiveness to the company. This also contributes to solidarity, friendship and tight relationship between two parties, two governments and Viet-Lao people. It opens opportunity for cooperation between two countries in general, between Thai Nguyen and Xiengkhoang, Huaphanh in particular…


During implementation, company gave support to socio-economic development of Laos such as: transportation, schools, resident accomodation. Especially, company supported training fee for 10 students from Laos who are studying at Thai Nguyen College of Economics.