Industrial manufacture hits the goal even though Samsung cuts down product

14:45, 07/11/2016

It is the statement of economists to evaluate the possibility of 2016 plan completion of the provincial industry. This statement is fundamental because at the end of September, industry value reached 82,12% of yearly plan. Although, Samsung corporations is cutting down their product due to getting trouble with new Galaxy Note 7, its effect to the total industry is not hug.

Recently, people pay special attention to the defect of battery in Galaxy Note 7 and Samsung has to recall all. It not only causes the deficit but it also affects the output of some electronic components of the corporations in global market. In our province, Samsung is operating the largest scale assembly line, as the result, concerning about its effect on provincial industry is not a simple issue. Almost industry value contributed by Samsung, for example, provincial industry value reaches 360.000 billion vnd, of which the value generated by FDI sector is 335.000 (equivalent to 93% of total value) and Samsung ranks the 1st (accounting for 90%). In the plan for 2016, provincial industry value increases up to 438.000 billion (exceeding 178.000 billion comparing to plan 2015) thank to the capacity of Samsung.


Despite the defect, the planning department of Samsung electronics Vietnam – Thai Nguyen, the effect on manufacture is not serious. In September and October, the output slightly decreases, however, it does not have effect on manufacture value. The reason is that Samsung issue many product at the same time, so the defect of Note 7 does not affect the output of the corporations. Moreover, whilst, rival Iphone 7 also has defect, Samsung has been increasing sharply hot items such as S7, S8, A7, A8, A9…to remain output. According to La Hong Ninh, General directorate of statistic department of the province, if the defect of Galaxy Note 7 had not happened, industrial value of the province would have hit the goal. As the result, it just completes the plan because time is passing (2 months left), the effect of Samsung is long lasting.


As Samsung and industrial zone decrease the output, the role of domestic industry enhances its performance. Although it contributes little, local industry made an impression when it reached 13,3 thousand billion vnd in 9 months, increasing 22.4% comparing to the same quarter, equivalent to 80,1% of the yearly plan. Whilst national industrial sectors are in troubles in steel and concrete, local industry has been increasing. The output of electricity of An Khanh company sharply increased, contributing 1.187 million m3 to total electricity output, equivalent to 2,1 time comparing to the last same quarter. In addition, clean water also reached 20,9 million m3, increasing 33.1% comparing to the last same quarter, equivalent to 91,2% as planning thank to effective operation of Yen Binh water factory. Besides, local industry contributed to the stable development of tungsten. tungsten output reached 11 thousand tons, increasing 38,7%, equivalent to 109,9 as planning: garment reached 42,5 million units, increasing 28,7%, equivalent to 92,4% as planning…this industrial sectors created little value, however, it is important to total industry to get the target in rush time.


Even though, the plan could not be completed earlier than expectation, the completion of the target is a great achievement. It is hoped that consuming market will be stable in the rest time of the year in order that the goal of reaching 438.000 billion vnd of provincial industry value will not be affected.