Chinese reporter visited and worked with Thai Nguyen province

14:23, 05/07/2016

Implementation of training program between Chinese Communist Party and Vietnam Communist Party, on 19th June, the organization committee of Vietnam Communist Party took the delegation of reporter of Pho Dong (Shenghai, China) institute to visit Thai Nguyen province .

Mr Bui Xuan Hoa, Deputy Secretary of Permanent Party Committee, Chairman of People’s Council, together with members of Party Committee, leaders of other party unit, leaders of Provincial People’s Committee worked with the delegation. For the purpose of improving training activity, assessing trainee in China, and surveying training demand for each field in Party Units at local level, the delegation listened to report of permanent Party Committee on using, training officials recent years. Deputy Secretary of permanent Party Committee also made a report on socio-economic situation and policies of the province in the period of industrialization and modernization. At the working session, the two sides exchanged the issues regarding party development in international integration; experience on training and managing official, party members; experience on Party inspection and corrupt prevention; experience on socio-macroeconomic management.

Mr Bui Xuan Hoa confirmed: recent years, exchange between the two parties has been effective, contributing to improve quality of officials, to strengthen authorities at all levels, to push the economy development. Mr Hoa proposed more help from Pho Dong Institute and training office of Chinese party in educating official under several methods such as short and long-term course or courses in typical topics in order that the tight relationship between the two parties is enhanced.


During the visiting, the delegation visited and meditated President Ho Chi Minh at ATK historical site in Dinh Hoa, Cultural Museum of Vietnamese Ethnic Groups in Thai Nguyen city.