Leaders of Thai Nguyen province work with the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

11:16, 08/10/2015

On October 1st, Mr. Doan Van Tuan, Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee welcomed and worked with Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in Vietnam about the new rural development program of Saemaul’s volunteers in Thai Nguyen.  

Leaders of the People's Committee of Dinh Hoa District and several departments, agencies in the province also attended the meeting.


Saemaul new rural program is funded by Saemaul Global Fund of Gyeongsangbuk province, Korea with the guarantee of KOICA. Aiming at supporting the development of community in rural areas based on the model of New Rural Development Movement of Korea (Saemaul Undong New Village), in 2014, To Hamlet, Phuong Tien Commune (Dinh Hoa District) was selected to propose KOICA to help and send the Korean volunteers to support the implementation of “Saemaul Undong New Village” model. With the help of KOICA as well as the direct involvement of the Korean volunteers and local people in planning the new village implementation, after one year (from August, 2014 until now), To Hamlet has had many positive changes. KOICA has funded the construction of the rural road with level C and the length of 876m in To Hamlet; the cultural house meeting standards; the implementation of the goat bank project; training the cultivation and breeding techniques; the propoganda of Saemaul spirit (self-reliance, hard working, cooperation); planning the rural, ect.


Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Doan Van Tuan, Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee highly appreciated the purpose of this meaningful support in building Saemaul village model in To Hamlet carried out by KOICA. Simultaneously, the province hoped that KOICA could continue funding, providing volunteers, training the manpower resources in the field of new rural construction that contributed to the successful implementation of New Rural program under Korean Saemaul model. From this point forward, the model is expected to be put into practice in other areas of Thai Nguyen in the future.