The delegation of Bolikhamxay province, Lao PDR works with Thai Nguyen province

22:30, 28/09/2015

On September 23rd, Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee held a working session with the delegation of Bolikhamxay province (Lao People's Democratic Republic) led by Mr. Denpi Munthadi, Deputy Secretary, Head of the Provincial Party Organization Committee of Bolikhamxay province.

Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; leaders of the Foreign Affairs Department, the Education and Training Department, Vietnam - Laos Friendship Association of Thai Nguyen province welcomed and worked with the delegation. In the warm and intimate atmosphere of solidarity, the delegates reviewed the traditional friendship, the loyalty between the two countries as well as the people of Bolikhamxay and Thai Nguyen provinces.


Mr. Denpi Munthadi acknowledged and thanked for the Party, State, Government and people of Vietnam for the assistance during the past years, especially in offering education and training to Laos’ juniors in general, Bolikhamxay’s in particular. On behalf of Thai Nguyen’s leaders, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long gave the delegation brief information about the province’s socio-economic development in recent years. In the upcoming time, the two provinces will continue expanding the exchange, economic development cooperation and strengthening diplomatic relations, etc. After the working session, the delegation of Bolikhamxay paid a visit to Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance to hand over 68 Lao students studying here. Accordingly, these students will learn Vietnamese within 1 year before learning specialized subjects in 3 years later.


More than 600 Lao students are now studying in universities and colleges in Thai Nguyen.