The delegation of Laos visits several units in Thai Nguyen province

10:05, 31/08/2015

On August 26th, the Lao Front for National Construction delegation led by Mr. Khambay Damlath, Member of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, Vice Chairman of the Lao Front for National Construction and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee led by Mr. Vu Trong Kim, Member of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Vietnam, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee paid a visit to Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance and Chien Cong Industry and Transportation Cooperative.

At Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance, the delegations were reported about the training cooperation between the college and Laos. Accordingly, from 2011 until now, the college has carried out the international training mission to help Laos. Currently, nearly 380 Lao students are studying in the college. They always make efforts to learn and many of them are good and excellent students. The college always facilitates the learning and living environment for Lao students. During the visit, the Lao Front for National Construction delegation expected that in the future, Thai Nguyen province and Laos’ provinces would continue strengthening the cooperation in many fields, especially education and training.


Visiting Chien Cong Industry and Transportation Cooperative, the delegation was reported about the production and business of the cooperative during the last time. Especially, in August 2012, the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Laos awarded the investment certificate to the cooperative to implement the search, exploration and exploitation project of tin, lead, zinc, copper, gold with the area of 300km2 in Xieng Khoang and Hua Phan provinces (Laos). Thereafter, the cooperative is going to invest in building a deep processing plant of ore source to serve the development of Laos as well as export to other countries. During the implementation of project in Laos, the cooperative actively supported Laos’ socio-economic development, such as building roads, schools and houses for residents... The cooperative also funded the training fees for Lao students studying at Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance.


Speaking at the working session, Mr. Khambay Damlath highly appreciated the achievements of Chien Cong Industry and Transportation Cooperative during the last time, especially the cooperation in the fields of exploration and mining, creating jobs for labors in the two above provinces of Laos as well as supporting Lao students in Thai Nguyen...