Thai Nguyen discusses plan to celebrate the Tea Festival

09:42, 27/08/2015

On August 18th, the Provincial People’s Committee held the plan implementing conference of the third Tea Festival, Thai Nguyen – Viet Nam 2015. Attending the conference were Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Ms. Ma Thi Nguyet, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee; representatives of the Grassroots Culture Department (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism); members of the third Tea Festival’s organization board; leaders of departments, branches of the province and others central agencies in the province.

According to Decision 1979/QD-UBND, dated August 07th, 2015 by Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee on approving the plan to hold the third Tea Festival, Thai Nguyen – Viet Nam 2015, the festival is going to take place within 3 days (from November 26th to 28th) in Thai Nguyen City, the main tea lands and villages of the province. With the theme “The quintessence of Vietnamese Tea Culture”, the festival includes 3 major cultural events as follows: The opening ceremony is scheduled to be held at Nui Coc Lake Convention Center; while the Tea Cultural Festival and the “Miss Tea-land” contest are going to be held in Thai Nguyen City. Besides, many relevant activities will be organized in the framework of the festival.


At the meeting, members of the organization board focused on discussing the plan of the festival.


Some ideas are as follows: It is necessary to draw the experience from the two previous festivals to organize this festival creatively, towards local people in order to help tea producers understand, support and respond enthusiastically. The scenario needs to be succinct, effective and practical. The roads leading to the tea lands should be embellished as soon as possible. The organization board also needs to make a detail plan about the event propaganda and organization.


Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long emphasized that this Tea Festival needed a greater combination of cultural, tourism and art activities to enhance the promotion of the province's image; the activities in the Festival needed to meet the purpose of continuously creating the momentum for socio-economic development in the province. With the guidelines of economization, efficiency and distribution to the tea farmer and Thai Nguyen tea brand glorification, the province determines to organize the third Tea Festival, Thai Nguyen – Viet Nam successfully.



Mr. Duong Ngoc Long requested the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to help and the central agencies in the province to co-ordinate. He also asked departments, branches and localities in the province to make efforts to ensure that the Festival’s activities would be solemn and practical, simultaneously economical and efficient...