The delegation of Xieng Khoang province visited and worked at Thai Nguyen province

18:02, 03/07/2015

In the framework of cooperation and friendship between the two countries Vietnam - Laos, and Thai Nguyen province with Xieng Khoang Province, on 25-6, the delegation of Xieng Khoang province led by Mr. Ụ-thên Ma-sỉ-xôn-xay - Deputy Secretary of Xieng Khoang province visited and worked in Thai Nguyen.

The delegation comprised of leaders representing of the agencies and departments of Xieng Khoang provinces. Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee, Mr. Doan Thi Hao, member of the Provincial Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council and the representative leaders of the agencies welcomed the delegation.


Xieng Khoang is a mountainous province in the north of Laos, there are still difficulties in economic-social development conditions. In the years of 1912 to 1975, here was one of the battle field which was endured by the bombardment of the US imperialism. They did it with the aim of cutting the aid of liberating army who went to liberate the South of Vietnam. In recent years, Xieng Khoang has welcomed more tourists and investing delegations from Vietnam including many businesses from Thai Nguyen Province. The partnership between the two provinces is becoming tighter. Especially, Thai Nguyen province welcomed many students from Xieng Khoang province studying, researching and working under the free form and the cooperation between two governments.


After hearing a brief report on the status of economic-social development of Thai Nguyen province in recent years, the delegation expressed desire to cooperate with Thai Nguyen province. They also proposed the enhancing support from Thai Nguyen province to assist them more in the fields of investment and development. Accordingly, the Vice Secretary of Xieng Khoang province has proposed the areas in need of the support, cooperation, calling for and attracting investment, such as: development of education, human resource training; Transfer of science and technology in industrial production, agriculture and forestry; Party staff training, local authorities; Management, mining and processing of minerals; environmental resource management; Creating jobs for laborers, especially the experience of households economic development; cooperating to exploit and develop tourism; attracting investments. Specially, leaders of Xieng Khoang province has proposed the exchange and connection between businesses of two countries, it should be further strengthened in terms of public diplomacy.


Appreciating the recommendations of Xieng Khoang province, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long assigned the specialized agencies to actively connect and promote the signing of the cooperation agreements. He also suggested that Xieng Khoang province should actively construct the detail plans about the cooperation demands, supporting and investing promotion. For Thai Nguyen province, next to the assigned functions and tasks of the specialized agencies, he requested the Vietnam - Laos Friendship Association of Thai Nguyen province need promoting diplomacy activities and bridging cooperation activities, economic and cultural exchanges between the two provinces. Earlier, the delegation visited ATK historical vestige in Dinh Hoa district and offered incense at the Memorial to President Ho Chi Minh.