Song Cong celebrates 30 years of establishment, ceremony of receiving the Third Class Independence Medal and announce the decision on establishment City

10:08, 14/07/2015

On 1st July evening, Song Cong town solemnly organized the celebration of 30th years anniversary of establishment (01.07.1985 - 01.07.2015) and the ceremony also celebrated receiving the Third Class Independence Medal and announced the decision on establishment City.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Politburo member, Deputy Prime Minister; Mr. Uong Chu Luu, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly; Mr. Nguyen Dinh Phach, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Pham Xuan Duong, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Economic Affairs; Leaderships of Ministries, Central Sector, Provincial Standing Committee; departments and agencies of the province; leaders and people of some provinces, cities and towns in neighborhood locals.


On behalf of Song Cong town, Mr. Nguyen Khac Lam, Secretary of Town Party Committee had a commemorative speeche to report the 30-years of construction and development of the town. Accordingly the dated 4th November 1985, Chairman Council of Ministers issued Decision No.113 on the establishment of Song Cong town based on Mo Che town, Cai Dan commune, Tan Quang and Ba Xuyen commune. When it has just established, the town has only 3 wards and 3 communes with the total area of 55 km2 and the population of 31 thousands people. It had 11 Local Party Units and 10 Party cells with 1,600 memberships. 


Through 30 years of construction and development, the Party, government and people of Song Cong town united, dynamic, innovative and successful implementation of the objectives, targets and measures for each period... Therefore, it has contributed to promoting the development and stability of the economic - society, built and synchronous urban infrastructure, transportation systems; educational infrastructure. Health care was invested in upgrading the modern condition. Material life and spirit of the people is increasingly high.


After opening speech, Mr. Uong Chu Luu member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly announced the resolutions of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the establishment of Song Cong City which is directly under Thai Nguyen province.


At the ceremony, on behalf of the Party and the State, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc - Politburo member, Deputy Prime Minister announced the decision of the President on award presentation the Third-class Independence Medal for Song Cong City. He sent congratulations, praise and acknowledge the achievements of the Party, government and people of Song Cong has achieved in recent years. He suggested the party committees, governments, institutions unions and people in Song Cong city should continue to promote the achievements gained, build the city more and more stronger. In which, we need to note some key tasks, such as: Strengthening in the Party building, building the political system, the fullest internal resources and support resources; focus on promoting the manufacturing industry with high technological content, improve competitiveness indicators in order to attract investment for industrial development, trade and services; close cooperation between economic growth and solving social issues, environmental protection; interested investors, upgrading and improvement of urban infrastructure. Comprehensive development of the field of culture, society, constantly improve the quality of life for people; accelerate the implementation of the national target program on building new rural; continue implementation of resolutions of the Central Committee, the movement promoting learning and follow the moral example of Ho Chi Minh.


In the framework of the ceremony, the special epic arts program "Song Cong - desires City " (picture) with the unique artistic repertoire has partly reconstruct the 30 years of construction, development and maturation of Song Cong City.The special Epic Arts program includes 3 chapters: Spirit of the homeland ; Song Cong - bright areas; New City spreading desires with the participation of nearly 400 artists and actors.