Pho Yen celebrates 70 years of establishment of district’s revolutionary authorities, announce the Resolution on establishment town.

08:12, 28/07/2015

On July 16th evening, the Party, government and people of Pho Yen district solemnly organized the Celebration of 70 years anniversary of district’s revolutionary authority establishment (21/8/1945 – 21/8/2015), announced  a  Resolution adopted by the National Assembly Standing Committee on establishment Pho Yen town and received the Third Class Independence Order.  

Attending the ceremony were Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Politburo member, Vice Chairwoman of National Assembly; other members of the Party Central Committee: Mr. Vu Van Ninh, Deputy Prime Minister; Mr. Nguyen Bac Son, Minister of Information and Communications; Mr. Pham Xuan Duong, Deputy of Head of Party Central Committee’s Commission for Economic Affairs; Leaders of Departments and Ministries; the representatives of Command of 1st Military Zone and Pho Yen’s neighbor districts were also present at the ceremony …


On the side of province, there were Mr. Nguyen Dinh Phach, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Provincial Committee; Mr. Tran Quoc To, Permanent Deputy Secretary  of Provincial Committee; Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary, Chairman of the Thai Nguyen People’s Committee; Mr. Vu Hong Bac, Deputy Secretary of People’s Committee, Chairman of the Municiple People’s Committee; members of the Provincial Standing Committee; departments and agencies of the province, leaders and local people.


At the ceremony, Mr. Le Thanh Tuyet, Secretary of Town Party Committee had a commemorative speech to remind the heroic history of Pho Yen, especially since the district’s revolutionary authority has been established. Accordingly, in the resistance wars of the nation, people and self-defense forces of Pho Yen district protected successfully the safety of agencies and the senior leaders of the Party; played an important role in the honorable victory of the country.


During the innovation period, the Party, authorities and people of Pho Yen have implemented  flexibly the policies and guidelines of the Party, the law of government to the specific situation of the district; the resources have been used effectively along with attracting investment to create breakthroughs in economic restructuring towards industry - commerce, service. After 5 years of carrying out the Resolution number 02 NQ/TU of the Provincial Standing Committee in the construction and development of Pho Yen district to become an industrial town in 2015. In the period of 2010-2015, Pho Yen has  fully mobilized the resources, attracted over 9.000 billions VND from different sources (Central, local, enterprises) to built the infrastructure, gentrification and basically reached 9/9 criteria of a town. Besides, the district has de-allocated over 1.000ha of ground, attracted 83 projects to invest more than 225.000 billions VND in total. In which, many foreign direct investment (FDI) have been the largest project so far, become the leading unit in the province and the northern region in attracting FDI with $ 6.8 billion (invested by Samsung Group), made a breakthrough in economic development. The economic growth (GDP) of the province reached an annual average of 43%; in terms of economic structure: 83.9% was for Industry - construction; commerce - services was 12.2%; agriculture, forestry, aquaculture was 3.9%; Per capita GDP in 2015 was estimated at 163 million; the value of industrial production - small industry average annual increase by 197% ...


With the rapid development, on May 15th 2015, the Parliament Standing Committee promulgated the Resolution number 932/NQ-UBTVQH with reference to establishing Pho Yen town and 4 wards belonged town. The resolution aims to acknowledge the continuous development of Pho Yen in 70 years.


At the ceremony, Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan handed the Resolution to leaders of the town. On behalf of the President, Mr. Vu Van Ninh handed the Third Class Independence Medal to people and executives of Pho Yen town (picture). This is an honor, pride and a strong motivation of the Party, authority and people of the town to continue promoting revolutionary traditions, to determine to build the more prosperous and civilized homeland.


Speaking at the ceremony, Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan sent congratulations to the Party committee, authorities and people of Pho Yen town on the occasion of this important event. She also proposed that, in the upcoming time, the town should promote its potential and advantages, focus on development of producing strong products as well as actively putting scientific and technical breakthroughs into practice in order to improve the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of products. Besides, the town should continue reforming the administrative procedures, those of investment fields; focusing on development high-technical and commerce – service industry with the development of urban areas. At the same time, the town needs to attach special importance to the firm growing of social cultural field…


In the framework of the ceremony, the delegates enjoyed the epic and artistic show with the theme "Proud Pho Yen" with the participation of professional and amateur actors performing along with the artistic fireworks celebrating the event.