Korean delegation visited and worked in Thai Nguyen Province

18:04, 03/07/2015

On 23rd June, the delegation of KOICA Vietnam Office (International Cooperation Agency of Korea in Vietnam) and Cheongdo district, Gyeongsangbuk Province (South Korea) visited and worked in our province.

Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee and leaderships of agencies and concerned departments welcomed the delegation.


Mr. Duong Ngoc Long introduced to Korean friends some of potential, strength of Thai Nguyen Province in the field of economic development, culture and society; about the investment environment; transport; labor resources and cooperative relationship between Thai Nguyen (Vietnam) and South Korea in recent years. At the reception, Mr. Ye Koo Dae, Chairman of People’s Council of Cheongdo District, head of the delegation thanked for the warmly welcome of leaderships of Thai Nguyen Province to the delegation. He also wanted that the cooperation between two countries, especially between Thai Nguyen and Gyeongsangbuk Provinces is more and more enduring.


On this occasion, the representatives of KOICA Vietnam Office and Cheongdo district came to Phuong Tien commune (Dinh Hoa) and attended ribbon-cutting ceremony of Saemaul cultural house and concrete road of the commune. Seamaul cutural house was started to construct from January 2015, with total construction area of 215m2. The house comprised of a lager hall, a small meeting room and a library. This house has the roof against heat and heat-resistant ceilings. The total construction value is 1,2 billion Vietnam dong. The concrete road is 876m long; 2,5m wide; 18cm thick; each party has the land margin of 0,5m. Many road sections on the edge of the field were embanked by stone, with concrete sewer drainage. The total investment value of the concrete road is 0.94 billions Vietnam dong. The entire amount of the construction for the Seamaul cultural house and concrete road is supported by Vietnam and Korean government.