Investment in construction of the Residential project for 30, 000 workers

17:34, 04/06/2015

On 26th May, in Yen Binh I Industrial Zone, Yen Binh Development and Investment Joint Stock Company has collaborated with VinaCapital Group held the Groundbreaking ceremony to build the houses for workers in the project of Yen Binh Complex, Pho Yen district.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Pham Xuan Duong, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Economic Affairs; Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Mr. Vu Hong Bac, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council; The leaders of Samsung Group in Vietnam, Vietnam VinaCapital Group with the partners, commercial banks and the representatives of departments, sectors in the province.


As known in recent, Samsung Group has decided to invest approximately 3 billion USD of capital (phase II) in Yen Binh I Industrial Zone, raised the total number of the Group's investment to about 6.4 billion USD; Specialized in manufacture, assembly, process mobile phones, electronic products, electronic, telecommunications (technologies’s equipment for wireless broadband Internet, laptop, digital camera, intelligent vacuum cleaner, smart TV, medical equipment, electronic products and spare parts, components and related accessories). According to the plan, in the coming years, Yen Binh Complex and Samsung High-tech Complexes will attract and create jobs for around 100,000 workers inside and outside the province. Therefore, Yen Binh Development and Investment Joint Stock Company has collaborated with VinaCapital Infrastructure Development - Investment Fund  and Samsung Hi-tech Complex in Vietnam held to invest to the Construction for Worker Housing Project in Yen Binh Urban, Service and Industrial (Dong Tien commune, Pho Yen district). It will consist of 16 housing blocks, provide more than 8,000 apartments which were modernly designed according to the Vietnam bulding standard  (the area around 60 sqm/apartment), satisfying accommodation about 30,000 workers in the industrial zone.


Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long emphasized: Yen Binh Development Investment Joint Stock Company builds the housing area for workers accroding to the model of an industrial zone, links between the industrial development , urban and services, has contributed significantly in the urban development chain of Thai Nguyen province in general and Pho Yen, Phu Binh districts in particular. He also affirmed that the housing construction has contributed to improving living standards and morale of employees toward sustainability. Mr. Chairman also proposed that Yen Binh Development - Investment Joint Stock Company and the partners, consultants and supervisors should closely cooperate; ensuring resources to invest and implement the projects timely, get the technical  and quality standards; ensuring safety and environmental protection. Especially, the departments, functional units and local authorities need to coordinate with investors and builders to strengthen propaganda and mobilize people in order to build consensus and support of them in the work clearance and ensuring security, so that the project can be implemented effectively.