Thai Nguyen takes standing at the 8th in the rankings of PCI

17:26, 22/04/2015

On 16th April morning, in Hanoi, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in a cooperation with the U.S.Agency for International Development (USAID) held a launch of the 2014 Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI). Mr. Vu Tien Loc, The chairman of VCCI and Mr.

Ted Osius, United States Ambassador to Vietnam hosted the Launch. On the side of Thai Nguyen province, attended with Mr. Nhu Van Tam, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of the Provincial  PCI Steering Committee.


At the launching ceremony, Mr. Dau Anh Tuan, Head of the Legal Department of the VCCI has announced the results of the PCI 2014. Accordingly the result, after collecting opinions of the 9,859 domestic non-state businesses from all 63 provinces and cities of the country about the index comprises 10 indicators of the PCI showed that: Trend to improve administration’s quality of the provincials and cities was quite positive, the median scores of PCI 2014 has increased significantly compare to the previous year. The provinces in the last group has continued to narrow the gap significantly compare to the provinces at the first group. Some fields has made improvements such as market participation, transparency, time costs, labor training, business support service...


In 2014, Da Nang once again ranked first on the PCI, some provinces and cities  had a breakthrough such as Thai Nguyen. Thai Nguyen’s Provincial Competitiveness index in 2013 ranked 25th, but in 2014 took over 17 places to ranked 8th (in the top-ten) with a total PCI score was 61.25 higher by 1.18 compared to 2012 and by 2.56 compared to 2013. In the index comprises 10 indicators, the market participation of the province was the highest scoring with 8.48 (out of 10). Only two indicators: equal competitive environment and local authorities’dynamism had the lowest score, in turn reached 4.17 and 4.29 points.


At the lauching ceremony of PCI, VCCI was awarded the medal for outstanding achievement province in the performing of PCI in 2014.