Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation on new countryside building

14:39, 16/12/2014

On 18th and 19th of December, the delegation led by Mr. Lee Seung Yul - District Chief, from Cheongdo district, Gyeongsangbuk province (Korea) visited and attended the Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of promoting Co-operation project on pilot model of new countryside and enhancing bilateral friendship between Dinh Hoa district and Cheongdo district. Attending were Mr. Phung Dinh Thieu, Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Public Relations, leadership of Department of Foreign Affairs, and departments of Dinh Hoa district.

The main content of the Memorandum is that Cheongdo district will contribute to improve people's awareness through spiritual education of new rural construction of in Dinh Hoa district and support a partial fund for the promotion of Cooperation Project on pilot model of new countryside, the 2 districts will share knowledge and experience in promoting movement of new countryside of South Korea, etc. After the Signing Ceremony, the delegation visited and gave the amount of USD 4,400 to build clean water project, shop toys and equipments for a kindergarten and a primary school in To hamlet, Phuong Tien commune,  gave clothing to students in the hamlet, handed a souvenir flag, listened to presentations of Saemaul training programs and plans of livelihood for farmers, etc. Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Ma Dinh Doi, Chairman of Dinh Hoa People’s Committee, and Mr. Lee Seung Yul, Chief of Cheongdo district introduced to participants an overview of human, potential and strengths of two districts, and desired relationship between two districts even stronger, shared a lot of experiences in building new countryside.


In the afternoon, on 8th December, at the Provincial People’s Committee, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Party, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, welcomed the delegation. At the meeting, he warmly welcomed the delegation for the visiting trip to Thai Nguyen province, exchanged with members of the delegation about the provincial socioeconomic development, the attraction of foreign investment in Vietnam in general and in Thai Nguyen province in particular. He also wanted the cooperation and exchanges between the two provinces to be closer and raised to new higher level. As a representative of the delegation, Mr. Lee Seung Yul, Chief of Cheongdo district, highly appreciated the warmly welcome of the provincial leaders, desired the good friendship between two sides to become more friendly.