The meeting between leaders of Thai Nguyen province and Dong Yeon investor, South Korea

15:15, 30/09/2014

In the afternoon, 25 th of September, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, welcomed and worked with Mr. Im Jim Hyuk, Chairman of Dong Yeon Industrial Co., Ltd. - Korea. This is one of the secondary investors of Samsung Group.

Before the meeting with provincial leaders, Dong Yeon Industrial Co., Ltd. had signed a memorandum of understand of leasing 16 ha land in Diem Thuy Industrial Park (Phu Binh district), and the infrastructure investor is the Management Board of Provincial Industrial Parks. It is known that this company will invest in building a electronic components factory to provide Samsung with a registered capital of USD 267 million.


At the meeting, Mr. Im Jim Hyuk expressed his desire to be supported in land clearance and transport infrastructure between Diem Thuy Industrial Park and Yen Binh Industrial Park (Pho Yen), where Samsung Electronic Vietnam Thai Nguyen has gone into operation. In addition, he also suggested that province urgently support in procedures, appraisal and approval of the environmental impact assessment so that the project can be started soon. The company committed that the plant would be constructed after 45 days of being granted investment certificate day.


Mr. Duong Ngoc Long emphasized that the province welcomed and thanked the intention and determination of investment of Dong Yeon Industrial Co., Ltd. on Diem Thuy Industrial Park. The province will ensure the most favorable conditions under Vietnam legal provisions to launch the project soon. He suggested the company needed to quickly complete the project files in the order in which reports on environmental impact assessments must be concentrated to be submitted for competent authorities to approve. The Management Board of Provincial Industrial Parks was committed to be representatives and coordinate with Yeon Industrial Co., Ltd to complete the procedures under current regulations.