Thai Nguyen provincial People’s Committee: Working with Japanese investor

09:38, 21/04/2014

In the morning of 17th April, Mr. Nhu Van Tam, Commissioner of Provincial committee of the Party, Deputy chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee, has a working session with Mr. Hisao Maetani, Chairman of the Board, Agritech Company ( Japan) and other members of the delegation.

Agritech Company specializes in producing clean vegetables in Japan. Currently, the Company is cooperating with Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry to carry out the project of producing clean vegetables, which is on the experimental stage. It is expected that after successful experiments, the Company will expand the producing scale.


At the working session with Thai Nguyen provincial people’s Committee, the representative showed their expectation to set up and implement the project in Thai Nguyen province and for big trade centers nationwide.


Mr. Nhu Van Tam introduced briefly provincial investment-attracting potentialities. Accordingly, Thai Nguyen has 6 industrial zones with an area of 1400 ha. The province has many policies, mechanism to attract foreign investors, especially with FDI. Also, the Province give privileges to clean and environmental-friendly producers. Thus, Agritech will be given priority in terms of mechanism and policy to implement the project favorably.