Counselor US Embassy visited Thai Nguyen Province

17:27, 20/03/2014

On 17th March, US Embassy Mission to Vietnam led by Mr. Terry White, Cultural Counselor paid a visit to Thai Nguyen Province.

Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman   of Provincial People’s Committee and leaders from Department of Culture, Sports & Tourism, Department of Foreign affairs, Department of Education and Training received the Mission at Thai Nguyen People Committee’s office.


The business trip by Mr. Terry White is to find out and support our province in terms of developing foreign language teachers resource in Thai Nguyen University; provide information about abroad study program and short-term scholarship sponsored by US Ministry of Foreign Affairs for students in Thai Nguyen


At the meeting, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long introduced briefly about provincial socio-economic situation and potentials. He confirmed that Vietnam in general and Thai Nguyen in particular always consider education and investment in education are provincial priorities. He expects US Government will expand supporting programs and projects in developing human resources of language teachers not only for Thai Nguyen University but also for other local colleges or high schools.


Mr. Terry White expressed his thank for the warm welcome by Thai Nguyen Provincial leaders. He also confirmed that US Povernment always want to strengthen good relationship between American and Vietnamese people. To realize this goodwill, US will support to enhance teaching competence by staff/ student exchanging between US universities and Vietnam ones, providing short-term scholarship for Vietnamese students. In recent time, more human resources will be provided to satisfy the demand of teaching and learning foreign languages in Thai Nguyen.


In this trip, he also visited Center for Human resource development for Foreign Language Studies (CFORD), Disabled Women Association IDEA. He also had a talk about US study abroad and short-term scholarship by US Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Thai Nguyen High School for Gifted pupils.