One more project on producing mobile phone covers invested in Diem Thuy industrial zone

15:22, 26/02/2014

On February 21st, Thai Nguyen provincial People’s Committee organized the ceremony of granting investment certificate to Skybridge Vietnam, Co. Ltd. The ceremony was attended by Mr. Nguyen Dinh Phach, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee, leaders of provincial departments, sectors, representatives of Phu Binh, Pho Yen district, and leaders of Skybridge Vietnam, Co. Ltd.

As planned, Skybridge Co. Ltd. invests in the project of manufacturing mobile phone covers, including producing and doing outwork for mobile phone covers and components of mobile phones and other mobile devices in Diem Thuy industrial zone ( Phu Binh) with an area of 80,000 m2. Total of  investment capital for the Phase 1 is 30 million USD, approximately 634.5 billion VND.  Estimated annually output is 100 million products. The project implementation time is 12 months since the date of issuing investment certificate.  When the project goes into operation, new job opportunities will be created for local labours.


At the ceremony, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long required the investors to implement strictly the commitments on construction progress, the investment scale, waste processing methods, recruitment and employment,  products are required to register brand name,  assure the quality and standards to be sold in Viet Nam. The province will support also, all favourable conditions of administrative procedures, water, electricity… will be made to meet the deadline of the project.