The representatives of Shinhan Financial Group met the leaders of Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee

11:31, 27/01/2014

In the morning of 21st January, Mr. Lee Sung Rack, General Director of Shinhanlife Company and Mr. Shin Dong Min, General Director of Shinhan bank Vietnam (Shinhan Financial Group, Korea) met Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of provincial party committee, Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee (photo).

At the meeting, the Chairman showed his pleasure to welcome the General Director and other delegates. At present, the needs for investment in developing infrastructures, education, medical in the province are very great. However, due to the limited budget of the province, the investment of the Company in provincial education is highly appreciated. Recently, there have been several projects by some Korean investors, for example, two-storey building with 8 rooms for Tan Duc pre-school in Phu Binh district. At the moment, this building is being used, which helps the kids have better learning condition.


On behalf of the delegates, the General Director expressed his thank to the Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee for his time and shared his cooperating plans with the province in the nearest future, especially the opening of Shinhan Bank branch in Thai Nguyen.


Before the meeting, the General Director and the delegation attended the groundbreaking ceremony of four-room building at Hoa Trung primary School (Dong Hy district). This construction is invested by Shinhan. The Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee undertook to direct the implementation of this building to keep the meaning of this present. Also, the closer and closer relationship between the province and the group is expected.