Thai Nguyen Province’s Leaders work with the Ambassador of Viet Nam in Japan

16:11, 10/01/2014

On January 3th, at the PPC office, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Thai Nguyen Chairman of the Provincial Government, welcomed and worked with Mr. Doan Xuan Hung, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Vietnam in Japan. Attending the meeting were representatives of the departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and leaders of some departments in Thai Nguyen province.

At the meeting, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Thai Nguyen Chairman of the Provincial Government presented an overview of the potential strengths and important strides in economic - social development of the province in 2013. Accordingly, Thai Nguyen is the local which has position of strength in developing industrial production - handicraft industry, services and agriculture.


Particularly in 2013, the economic growth rate (GDP) of the province reached 6.7% (higher than the national average); revenue reached 4.430 billion, exceeded the plan of 230 billion; successfully organized Tea Festival in Thai Nguyen - Vietnam for the second time, opened up opportunities for tea producers and tea businesses  in the province in consumption of tea products. In particular, thanks to positive investment environment improvement, administrative reforms, attracting foreign investment in the province has significantly grown, surpassing $ 3.3 billion in 2013 . With these potential advantages mentioned above, it is sought to enhance cooperation with Japanese investors in many sectors.


Ambassador Doan Xuan Hung confirmed, that the ties of friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Japan are good, Japanese investors are keen on investing in our country. So Ambassador of Vietnam in Japan is willing to cooperate with Thai Nguyen Province to promote Japanese investment into Thai Nguyen province. The Ambassador also asked the province, soon to have concrete proposals in the field of investment cooperation, particularly, to a province with 70% of the population dependent on agriculture as Thai Nguyen province, the problem of cooperation in this field is very reasonable because Japan has so many advantages in agricultural production tech ...


 Mr. Duong Ngoc Long expressed his pleasure at the proposal of Ambassador Doan Xuan Hung, and said that Japanese investors have many opportunities to invest in Thai Nguyen, because Thai Nguyen province always has many mechanisms and policies to attract investors.