Opening ceremony of the second Tea Festival: Elevate the brand, far wings

07:52, 10/11/2013

At night 9-11, at the Events Center, Coc Lake tourist site, Cao Trang neighbor, Phuc Xuan commune (Thai Nguyen City), People’s Committee of Thai Nguyen province in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture - Sports and Tourism held a solemn Opening Ceremony of the second Tea Festival Thai Nguyen – Vietnam 2013.


Attending the opening ceremony, there were the comrades of Central Government: Mr. Nguyen Sinh Hung, Politburo member, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Mr. Tran Duc Luong, Former State President; Mr. Nguyen Van An, Former Chairman of the National Assembly ; Mr. Pham Gia Khiem, Former Deputy Prime Minister; Mrs. Nguyen Thi Doan,Vice President; leadership of the Party committees, ministries and central agencies; Association leaders tea, the tea business, leaders of provinces and cities nationwide; and 10 countries embassies... To the province side, the comrades:  Mr. Nguyen Dinh Phach, Party Central Committee, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee; leader of Bac Thai Province, Thai Nguyen over time; Heroes of the Armed Forces, Labor Heroes, the comrades are the member of the Provincial Standing Committee, Permanent People's Assembly, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee; Leaders of departments, branches and representative villages, enterprises producing and processing tea, majority of the people in and outside the province.


At the opening ceremony, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee stressed: Thai Nguyen is nationally known as the land which is not only rich in historical tradition, revolution - Safety resistance in the past, but also known by famous specialty "Thai Nguyen tea”. The province has 19,000 ha, ranked second in the country, after the province of Lam Dong province and is leading in productivity, quality tea with output of fresh leaves nearly 200,000 tons / year; annual Thai Nguyen exports directly 7,200 tons of tea over the countries: China, Russia, India, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Japan, Pakistan…Provincial tea exports accounted for one fifth of total national tea export.


 After the success of the first International Tea Festival - Thai Nguyen, Vietnam 2011, tea products from other provinces and Thai Nguyen tea was more known by consumers domestic and international; many villages have been recognized, Tea producers have raised themselves awareness of producing, processing, improving the quality of finished tea, had clearer mind of brand products, market approach and investment promotion ...


 The second Tea Festival in Thai Nguyen - Vietnam was held to continue to honor the tea plant, the tea products and culture, introduce and promote the image of the country and people of Vietnam, provinces, cities and Thai Nguyen province; further improve production efficiency for tea plant and tea products, continues to affirm "First Name" tea brand to tourists domestic and international. Concurrently, it is vital to keep strengthening business relationships, links, investment and cooperation in all fields, especially the tea development, production, processing and consumption of tea with the provinces in the country and on international markets. Besides, the Tea Festival activities at this time also means rebuilding, creating and promoting the value of the festival activities, fascinating, unique traditional cultural activities of Thai Nguyen province, in order to preserve and promote the cultural values tangible, intangible of Thai Nguyen tea, and also aims to develop agriculture, farmers and rural sustainability, towards industrialization and modernization ...


Organizations Vietnam record was awarded record "Thai Nguyen Tea Product of the top specialty gifts are of Asian values.


 On behalf of the Party and State, Nguyen Sinh Hung - Chairman of National Assembly, warmly praised achievement of the tea industry of Vietnam that has been recorded. Welcoming the spirit of overcoming difficulties, hardworking, creativity of people directly involved in the production, processing and trading of tea in Vietnam; thank for the support, help, and share experiences from international friends in the development of the tea industry in Vietnam. Comrade firmly believed that, with the great efforts of the Party, government and people of Thai Nguyen province, along with the cooperation of the local tea plantations in the country, the support, confidence in international community, Vietnam tea industry in general and Thai Nguyen tea in particular will continue to develop with more and more national brands famous tea on the world market, Vietnam tea culture will be the unique culture that can be easily unforgettable.


 Immediately after the speech of the National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung, Vietnam record Organization has awarded a record "Thai Nguyen Tea Product of the top specialty gifts are of Asian values​​" for Thai Nguyen province. This is the first time, Thai Nguyen gains an Asian record. This record will again honor the product "First Name" tea.


Reportedly, Tea Festival, attended by five states and territories that use the imported tea products and tea products of Vietnam, nearly 30 teams from provinces strengthening in the tea plant, the business enterprises, tea processing in the country; more than 50 famous villages and more than 20 famous tea businesses typically in Thai Nguyen province. Festival takes place from October 9 to October 11-11, including 6 main activities and many other activities in response.



Festival opening ceremony was broadcast live on Radio - Television province, central and Radio - TV provinces. With the theme "Vietnamese Tea sublimation and flourishes, the opening ceremony has attracted the attention of track audiences across the country and internationally. The opening ceremony had 3 parts: the hometown of tea, the ceremony and excellent art program. Accordingly, the hometown of tea will introduce an overview imagine of Thai Nguyen, Ho Nui Coc space - where take places the Festival opening and welcome atmosphere of the Tea Festival People inside and outside the province; the participation of  Festival of the village tea, tea production areas, processing enterprises, businesses in tea products from Thai Nguyen province and tea products of provinces, international organizations participated Tea Festival ; Vietnamese tea panorama in international integration. final part of the ceremony is a special art program consisting of three chapters, with hometown acclaim content, soil water, the tea industry, the land and the land of tea, bearing the cultural identity of the nation. In particular, the first chapter is titled "legendary psychedelic tea", chapter II, "Vietnam flavored  tea", Chapter III, Vietnamese tea - to revive and prosper, Thai Nguyen - First name Tea.