Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee Checks Construction Progress of Glonics Electronics Factory Vietnam

12:56, 09/11/2013

On the afternoon of November 6th, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee went checking the construction progress of Glonics Electronics Factory Vietnam invested by South Korean Bujeon Electronics Company in Vietnam.

After more than seven months of construction, starting since March 2013, to date, Glonics Electronic Factory Vietnam has carried out about 70% of the planned project. The construction of the key workshop buildings, workers’ accommodation and other supporting facilities has been accelerated. As stated by the leaders of Bujeon Electronics Company, the first workshop would be completed by the end of this November and the rest would be completed and come into operation by the end of March 2014 so as to immediately provide the components for Samsung Electronics Factory in Yen Binh Industrial Park, Pho Yen District. At the meeting, the investor would like the Province to allow them to expand the existing area by three hectares to meet the new demands.


Mr. Duong Ngoc Long appreciated the efforts and responsibilities of Bujeon Electronics Company in accelerating the progress of the project recently. He said although the investment capital is not too big, this factory would make significant contributions to the Province in the coming time, at least in the aspect of industrial production value estimated at 150 million USD each year. He also reminded the investor to pay attention to recruiting and training local workers as well as using their land in the most effective way.


Glonics Electronic Factory Vietnam was licensed to invest in Thai Nguyen in early October 2012 on an area of approximately 6 hectares in Phu Xa Ward and Tan Lap Ward, Thai Nguyen City with a total investment of 10 million USD. This is the first factory that produces electronic components for mobile phones and LCD TVs in Thai Nguyen and is the second one in Vietnam by Bujeon Electronics Company. The first factory is located in Bac Ninh Province. The factory is expected to produce 500 million components per year and employ about 15,000 employees when the three workshops of its come into operation.