Korea Viet Nam Cultural Communication Center: Financing over 4.8 billion VND for the construction of Tan Duc Kindergarten

08:43, 21/06/2013

On the morning of June 4, at Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee, the Ceremony of signing the Financing Agreement on the construction of classrooms for Tan Duc Kindergarten (Phu Binh District) between Korea Viet Nam Cultural Communication Center (KCCC) and the Provincial People’s Committee was taken place.

Present at the Signing Ceremony were Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee , Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; leaders of departments: Foreign Affairs, Planning – Investment, Education – Training; leaders of the People’s Committee of Phu Binh District; Mr. Sim Sang Joon, KCCC’s Director and the representative of the sponsor as well.


Based on the agreement, KCCC coordinated with the Industrial Bank of Korea (IBK) will sponsor Thai Nguyen Province an amount of over 4.8 billion VND to build a two-floor building with eight classrooms for Tan Duc Kindergarten. The project is expected to start work on 11 June 2013, inaugurated and put into use by the end of December 2013.  


Speaking at the Ceremony, Mr. Sim Sang Joon expressed his pleasure about the close cooperation with Thai Nguyen Province in the initial implementation of the project, and desired that the province, districts and relevant branches and sectors will continue showing their interest and supplying timely guidance so that the project will be completed on schedule. On behalf of the provincial leadership, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long thanked KCCC in particular and the Korean people in general for their interest and share in the investment in education in Thai Nguyen; the province will direct relevant units to well perform land clearance, invest teaching and learning equipment (equivalent to 800 million VND) so that the project will be put into use as agreed.