A Korean company plans to invest in the construction of a production plant of noodles for export in Thai Nguyen Province

08:43, 21/06/2013

On 12 June, Mr. Dang Viet Thuan, Member of the Provincial Standing Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee presided the working session with Korea C & S Co., Ltd (photo). This working session was also attended by a number of relevant departments. For Korea C & S Co., Ltd, there were presence of representatives including Mr. Sim Eui Jun, Company President; Heo Byeol Chul, Director; Kim Jong Woon, who is in charge of the company’s cultivation.

Korea C & S Co., Ltd is specialized in processing agricultural products. This is Korea’s second largest company in the field of agriculture and is Korea’s biggest material input supplier for the noodle production industry. Currently, the company is expecting to invest in the construction of the production plant of noodles for export in Thai Nguyen Province with total initial investment of around 3 million USD. As planned, the plant will create jobs for 200 to 400 laborers. When it is put into operation, the plant will consume local agricultural products like garlic, cabbages, carrots, potatoes, turnips, etc. with volume of approximately 4,000 ton/year for each.


At the working session, Mr. Dang Viet Thuan made a general introduction about potentials and strengths during the development of Thai Nguyen Province, especially in the field of agro-forestry. He affirmed that with the construction project of the plant of producing noodles for export invested by Korea C & S Co., Ltd, the province would support and facilitate the company to invest in the province. He also expressed that the province desired the company to help local people approach to scientific and technical progress in agricultural production to enhance productivity and quality of agricultural products in types, improving local people’s life.