Meeting foreign organizations and individuals, and Vietnamese overseas in Thai Nguyen on the occasion of Tet holiday

16:19, 09/02/2013

On February 2nd, Department of Foreign Affairs held a meeting of foreign organizations and individuals who are living, working, studying in Thai Nguyen and Vietnamese overseas going to home town - Thai Nguyen – to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Attending were Mr Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Mrs. Doan Thi Hao, vice chairman of the Provincial People's Council; leaders of several departments, agencies and units; over 100 representatives of foreign organizations, foreign investment enterprises; foreign lecturers and students working in Thai Nguyen and Thai Nguyen people who are living and working abroad came back homeland for Tet.

On behalf of the Provincial Committee of the Party, People's Council, People’s Committee,  and Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long welcomed and acknowledged the contributions of foreign organizations and  enterprises, people living away from home for Thai Nguyen; especially foreign investment cooperation and external activities promoted the provincial socio-economic development: in 2012, 27 FDI projects with total investment capital of USD 123.75 million in province (increasing 9 projects compared with 2011); 18 ODA projects implemented with a total value of VND 200 billion. The key projects are urgently carried out in the province and have high practicability, such as: Yen Binh high-tech industrial-agricultural Park, project of Nui Coc Lake tourist area, etc. Provincial enterprises which are cooperating with foreign enterprises have invested efficiently in projects such as Nui Phao polymetallic project, project of the 2nd stage investment for Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel joint stock corporation, etc. 


At the same time, non-governmental organizations have implemented 33 projects in the fields of socio-economic development, which contributes to improve and raise awareness, capacity and life of the people in remote areas of Thai Nguyen province. After making the New Year speech, Mr. Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee hoped that foreign organizations, units and enterprises and Vietnamese overseas continue to support, cooperate and contribute more actively in order that Thai Nguyen province will complete the goals in 2013 and develop strongly in the future.