Provide Japanese enterprises with care and facilitation to invest in the province

16:49, 30/01/2013

This issue was emphasized by Mr. Duong Ngoc Long, Deputy Provincial Committee Secretary, Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee at the receiving and working session with Mr. Nobuyuki Idei, President of Japan’s Quantum Leaps Group, who visited and sought any opportunity for investing in Thai Nguyen province (photo) on the morning of January 24th. Other participants in this visit were representatives of Japan’s Infromatix Group. At the working session, there were also presence of leaders of some relevant departments and sectors of the province.

Provincial People’s Committee showed his pleasure when receiving and working with leaders of groups mentioned above, and made a general introduction about socio-economic development, potentials, and strengths in attracting investment in the province at the moment. He also highly appreciated the cooperation, assistance, and investment of Japan towards the development of Vietnam over the years; expressed his expectation that Japanese enterprises continues to speed up investment in our country, including Thai Nguyen province…


Mr. Nobuyuki Idei said that: Followed by the working session with provincial leaders dated 2 November 2012 on policies on investment preference, purpose of this visit and working session of the Delegation in Thai Nguyen province was to learn more about opportunities for investment in the province, especially Yen Binh industrial, agricultural, urban and service complex and Nui Coc Lake tourism area. Nowadays, many medium and small-size Japanese enterprises are reinforcing to invest abroad. As a result, after the working session in Thai Nguyen, Quantum Leaps Group and Infromatix Group will try their best to assist medium and small-size Japanese enterprises in seeking opportunities for investing in the province, especially in the field of engineering, mechanical industry and services. Mr. Nobuyuki Idei showed his desire to always receive the close and effective cooperation and assistance of Ministries, sectors and Thai Nguyen province during their learning about opportunities for investment at present as well as their implementation of investment projects afterwards…


Known that, before working with the leadership of the provincial People’s Committee, representatives of Japan’s 2 groups worked with Yen Binh Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (owner of the Yen Binh industrial, agricultural, urban and service complex project). Last afternoon, leaders of 2 groups did sightseeing and learnt about the opportunity for investing in Nui Coc Lake Tourism area.