Provincial Leaders to Visit Manchester

15:25, 17/12/2012

With the aim of searching for development opportunities and boosting cooperation between Thai Nguyen Province and Manchester (UK), Thai Nguyen Provincial leaders delegation, headed by Member of Central Party, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Chief of Thai Nguyen delegation in National Assembly Pham Xuan Duong, paid a visit to and worked in Manchester within 7 days (between 2 and 8 of December). Attending were leaders of Thai Nguyen People’s Committee, some branches/agencies of the Province and Thai Nguyen University.

In the event, the delegation worked with Mayor of Manchester Elaine Boyes and with British South-West Department of Commerce also chiefs of Manchester Metropolitan University and Manchester University members as well.


In the working session with Mayor of Manchester Elaine Boyes, after hearing the introduction of Thai Nguyen, she appreciated the visit of the delegation from Thai Nguyen Province and Thai Nguyen University together with the working contents, as well as supported the cooperation in founding an international university under Thai Nguyen University.


In the working session with British South-West Department of Commerce, Mr. Pham Xuan Duong introduced potentialities and strengths of the province and called for expedition in investment, mechanism and preferential policy from the city for provincial investors also investment opportunities into the province. Leaders of British Commerce Expedition Center informed of investment opportunities to the United Kingdom into Vietnam and Thai Nguyen. Both sides discussed about sending a delegation of British Commerce Expedition Center and British Ambassador to Vietnam for visiting and working on commerce expedition in Thai Nguyen in March 2013.


In Manchester University, the delegation from the province and Thai Nguyen University worked with leaders of the university and rectors of member universities. Delegates focused on discussion about such issues as: continuity of widened cooperation on advanced graduate and postgraduate import program with priorities of Master of English and Bachelors of Electrical Technology. Thai Nguyen affirmed that they will always support Thai Nguyen University to cooperate with Manchester University in building an international school under Thai Nguyen University.