Business Environment Is Basically Improved

10:42, 29/10/2012

This is a statement by Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Nhu Van Tam in the working session with the delegation of German experts (FNF) regarding PCI’s operations and result of provincial business environment improvement in October 22. Attending were representatives of Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI); members of Provincial PCI Steering Committee; Chairman of Small and Medium-Sized Business Association, Young Business Association, Provincial Businesswomen’s Association and Business Associations of City, Town and Districts as well as representatives of relevant agencies.

According to a report of the steering committee and the operation group of project on improving PCI competitiveness of the province, in recent years, especially in 2011, the competitiveness index of the province ranked No. 57 out of 63 provinces and cities. To enhance competitiveness and its rank in 2012 also next years, the Provincial People’s Committee founded a steering committee and an operation group as well as assigned specific tasks for branches and members to highlight: Boost works management and propaganda of raising awareness of employees, officers and Party members on PCI; better business and investment environment; increase information technology applications in management and implementation; arrange meetings and contacts with enterprises, business associations, cooperatives for opinion polls for building strategy and plan of socio-economic development, providing measures and adding policies in support of businesses.


The result of the first nine months of 2012 shows that the rate of economic growth of the province reaches by 6.3% (5.35% in nationwide); the rate in industry increases by 6.7% (4.8% in nationwide); the province received and worked with nearly 100 national and international investors who have been searching opportunities of investment in Thai Nguyen; also approved and issued Certificate on investment into more than 90 projects with the total registered capital of nearly 8,000 billion VND, used land area of around 1,000 ha; as being cumulative by September 2012, there have been nearly 600 projects in Thai Nguyen Province to be approved and issued Certificate on investment by Provincial People’s Committee with the total registered capital of around 180,588 billion VND, expected used land area of more than 9,100 ha (Project on Yen Binh complex of urban, industrial, agricultural and service zones not included).


After hearing ideas from representatives of the business associations, German experts and Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Nhu Van Tam highly appreciated the achievements, strengths in improving business environment and PCI competitiveness of the province, as well as affirmed that increase of PCI index would be one key mission of the province in the coming time. He also recommended that members of the steering committee and PCI operation group of the province should reinforce coordination with all levels and branches to deal with administrative and investment procedures; keep implementing Conclusion No. 603 dated September 10, 2012 of the Provincial Party Standing Committee regarding implementations of investment projects in the province and activities of the one-door connected steering committee.