Deputy Prime Ministers of Viet Nam and Laos Visit Thai Nguyen Province

11:03, 06/09/2012

Member of the Politburo, Deputy Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and Chairman of Viet Nam – Laos Cooperation Subcommittee Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Member of the Politburo, Deputy Prime Minister of Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Chairman of Laos – Viet Nam Cooperation Subcommittee Somsavat Lengsavad worked with leaders of Thai Nguyen Province in Thai Nguyen on the morning of August 25.


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Leaders of the Central and local ministries, branches of both countries attended the event.


Vietnamese Party Central Committee Member, Secretary of Thai Nguyen Provincial Party Committee and Head of the Provincial Delegation of the National Assembly Pham Xuan Duong; Deputy Secretary of Thai Nguyen Provincial Standing Party Committee Nguyen Van Kim; Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Council Vu Hong Bac and Thai Nguyen Provincial Standing Party Committee delegates as well as representatives of the provincial departments, branches and enterprises received and worked with the delegation.


The delegation visited the Ho Chi Minh memorial building in De Pass, Dinh Hoa.


On behalf of Thai Nguyen Province’s leaders, Mr. Pham Xuan Duong introduced the delegation to potentialities and advantages of local economic development and highlighted strengths in investment of metallurgical, mechanical engineering, trade, tourism industries and so forth. Thai Nguyen currently has 20 enterprises which have invested into projects on training, forestry, mining, etc. in Laos with the total value of approximately 100 million USD. He expected both Governments kept providing preferable conditions for the two sides’ investors, including Thai Nguyen’s ones, to cooperate for the sake of mutual development; also paid attention to investment into accommodations for Lao students in Thai Nguyen; as well as coordinated in reinforcing the construction progress of Ha Noi – Thai Nguyen Highway and former Highway No. 3 route.


Deputy Prime Minister of Lao People’s Democratic Republic Somsavat Lengsavad stated that Thai Nguyen had potentialities and advantages in socio-economic development and a close relationship with Laos’ provinces. He recommended that Thai Nguyen should foster cooperation with Laos in such fields as human resources training and investment in construction of schools and medical care works in Laos. Regarding economy sector, he added Thai Nguyen should give preferable conditions to attract more provincial enterprises to the investment in Laos, particularly investment projects on forest product and mineral processing. He also wished that the cooperation between Thai Nguyen and Laos’ provinces would become closer and closer according to the expectation of leaders of the two Parties, States and people.


The delegation visited Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance


Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc highly appreciated efforts of Thai Nguyen in facilitating the foreign investment. He recommended that the province paid more attention to cooperation with Laos in education and training as a key mission for implementation. He also praised Chairman of Board of Directors of Chien Cong Industry and Transport Cooperative Dinh Huy Chien and the cooperative due to bravely organizing investment promotion in Laos. He hoped that Vietnamese and Thai Nguyen enterprises would be more active in searching investment opportunities in Laos and agreed with requests of the province in order to boost cooperative relations between Viet Nam and Laos as well as believed Thai Nguyen would grow more quickly and strongly.


In the event, two Deputy Prime Ministers and delegates attended the ceremony of giving foreign investment permit of tin, lead and zinc ores exploration project in Xiengkhuang and Houaphan Provinces to Chien Cong Minerals and Industry Joint Stock Company by Lao Ministry of Investment and Planning  with the total area of 300 km2 and the company 100% invested capital of 64 billion Kip.


The delegation visited Ferromanganese Factory in Song Cong industrial zone.


Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavad and the delegation visited ATK Dinh Hoa and President Ho Chi Minh in the Ho Chi Minh memorial building in De Pass, Phu Dinh in the morning in the same day.


The delegation in the afternoon paid a visit to some manufacturing facilities under Chien Cong Industry and Transport Cooperative including Tuong Lai Iron Mine in Hoa Trung Commune, Dong Hy District, Ferromanganese Factory in Song Cong industrial zone and worked with Chien Cong Industry and Transport Cooperative soon after. Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavad highly appreciated efforts of the cooperative’s past 19 years and expected that it would achieve more success in investment in Laos in the coming time with its enormous finance capacity and investment experience in Viet Nam.


Late in the afternoon, he and the delegation visited and talked with teachers and students of Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance where Lao students are studying.


Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat and the delegation will pay a visit to Nui Coc Lake Tourism Area (including the event organization centre and Nam Phuong Tourism Area) and Thai Nguyen Provincial Tea Culture Center on the morning of August 26.