Over 1,000 people learn about the Law on Road Traffic

09:18, 19/06/2012

On the morning of June 9th 2012, exchange session to learn about the Law on Road Traffic was held by Provincial Traffic Safety Committee, Traffic Police Office (Department of Provincial Police), Ho Chi Minh Communist Young Union and many high schools in coordination with the project of traffic safety enhancement on the Northern highways (JICA) at Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance.

The participation in the exchange session includes Director of the project of traffic safety enhancement on the Northern highways of Vietnam, leaders of Provincial Traffic Safety Committee, Traffic Police Office (Department of Provincial Police) and more than 1,000 officials, teachers and students from Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance.


At the exchange session, students were learnt about the Law on Road Traffic through feuilletons, video clips about traffic culture, dangers caused by alcohols, etc…


At the same time, students participated in answering questionnaires, including 19 test questions about the Law and rules on traffic, awareness of traffic safety, traffic culture and traffic safety propaganda.


Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance is located on the National highway No. 3, with nearly 5,000 students. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen activities of propagation.


The project of traffic safety enhancement on the Northern highways of Vietnam has been performed from December 2009 to July 2013 for the purpose of reducing traffic accidents and damages caused by traffic accidents, contributing to the improvement of citizens’ living along the national highways. Thai Nguyen is one of ten Provinces under the scale of the project.