The commencement of the Dan urban road - Nui Coc Lake

09:10, 31/05/2012

To celebrate the 65th anniversary of the day that Uncle Ho went to Thai Nguyen ATK to lead the resistance; 122nd birthday of President Ho Chi Minh, in the morning of May 19th, at Thinh Dan Ward (Thai Nguyen city), SVA Viet Bac Land Joint Stock Company (SVA Financial Group) has started the project of the Dan urban road - Nui Coc Lake.

Attending were Mr. Hoang Trung Hai, member of Central Communist Party, Deputy Prime Minister; Mr. Pham Xuan Duong, Member of Central Communist Party, Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Head of the delegation of  Provincial Member of the National Assembly; representatives of ministries, central departments, agencies, associations; comrades in the provincial Standing Committee, the departments and branches of Thai Nguyen city, Dai Tu District and many local people living in the place where the road goes through.


Dan urban road - Nui Coc lake is 13km in length (km 0 connects to Quang Trung road, the end point connects to Km14 +060 of Provincial Road 270), runs through the territory of Thinh Dan Ward, Quyet Thang commune, Phuc Xuan commune (Thai Nguyen city) and Tan Thai commune (Dai Tu). This road is designed in modern and synchronized method, with the width road surface of 60 metres, and is divided into two sections: Section I is from km0 to Km7+800 and the scale of cross-section is 48 metres, 6 lanes, designed in synchronous technical infrastructure; Section II is from the Km7+800 to Km12+800, the width of road surface is 29 metres with 4 lanes.


This route will be completed and put into use within 36 months from the commencement date. Besides, the investor also invested in model urban areas along the route whose total investment of the Project is VND 97 trillion.


Speaking at the Ground Breaking Ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister required the committees, local government, investors to strictly implement the provisions of the law on compensation, resettlement, basic construction, etc so that the construction time of the Project can be shortened, contributing to promote the sustainable socio-economic development of Thai Nguyen in particular, of the North of Viet Nam in general. At the same time, committees, local authorities needs to monitor and create all favorable conditions for investors to implement the project well but limit the impact on transport and economic development of the local people.


At the same day, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai and the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, provincial People's Committee examined the progress of construction of the Nui Phao project, one of the national and provincial major mining project with total exploitation reserves of more than 83 million tons of ore, with a total investment of over U.S. $ 400 million.



After listening to Mr. Mad hur Maini, CEO (Chief Executive Officier) of Masan Group, representing the Nui Phao Mining Company Ltd. (Mining Nui Phao), reporting the progress of clearance, construction of the main section of the Project, Deputy Prime Minister highly appreciated the efforts of staffs, employees in the company. The Deputy Prime Minister also expected NuiPhao Mining to continue promoting the achieved results, coming into operation soon, contributing to socio-economic development of the province. He also requested the Company to focus on environmental protection, labour safety and social security, creating jobs for workers.