Youth and community’s participation in reduction of traffic accident

08:04, 21/03/2012

In the morning of 19th March, at the Tan Thanh People's Committee (Thai Nguyen city) took place the Opening ceremony of Road Safety Week with the topic “Youth and community reduce traffic accidents together”. This program is conducted by Project Management Board of Road Safety, Project of Road Safety Enhancement on the Northern highway in Viet Nam cooperating with Provincial Road Safety Board and Thai Nguyen People’s Committee.

Attending were Mr. Nguyen Tien Trong, Deputy General Director of Project Management Board of Road Safety, Mr. Takan Inami, Director of Project of Road Safety Enhancement on the Northern highway in Viet Nam; Mr. Le Van Vinh, Deputy Director of Transport department, Deputy Chief of Provincial Road Traffic Board; leaders of provincial public security; leaders of Thai Nguyen city, etc.


Project of Road Safety Enhancement on the Northern highway in Viet Nam was implemented from December 2009 to July 2013 with the aim to reduce traffic accidents and the damage caused by traffic accidents, contributing to improve living environment along highways and people driving. Thai Nguyen is one of ten provinces/cities covered by the project. The project was built into 4 components: technical component, enforcement component, educational component, and awareness increasing component. Accordingly, the project will focus on improvement and upgrading of highways, improvement of bull’s eye of  Road Safety, and supplement of some of the equipments, facilities, materials for propagation and control patrol and enforcement to ensure Road Safety.


Road Safety Week was held in Thai Nguyen city with the aim to raise awareness about Road Safety for youth and local people, strive to achieve the target of reduction of 10% of traffic accidents in province in the year of Road Safety 2012.


At the opening ceremony, after leaders of city people’s committee sated to appeal people to strictly observe traffic laws, contribute to reduce traffic accidents, representatives of Project Management Board of Road Safety, Project of Road Safety Enhancement on the Northern highway in Viet Nam stated contents of the project and expected that Thai Nguyen would perform well on this project. After the opening ceremony, the force including traffic police, inspectors of the Transport Department and the Youth Union members held a parades of Road Safety Week along highways and some main roads of Thai Nguyen city.


Road Safety Week takes place from 19 to 23 March with the following contents: propaganda of Road Safety in Gang Thep high school, Doc Lap high school; in residential areas. In the rush hour, traffic police forces (provincial police) implement enforcement and propaganda everyday on highways running through the area. During the propaganda time, the program will integrate propaganda activities with competition on Road Traffic Law; introduce the exhibition of traffic accidents and Road Safety; distribute flyers to propagandized subjects.