Exchanges of Chinese veterans in Thai Nguyen Province

15:50, 25/02/2012

On the 21st February, the veteran delegation of antiaircraft gun platoon 170 from China led by Comrade Ta Hung Vy, visited and exchanged in Thai Nguyen Province.

Antiaircraft gun platoon 170 had participated in the anti-American resistance war in Thai Nguyen from August 1967 to April 1968. During that time, the platoon had the mission of protecting the cast iron and steel plant, the power generating plant, Luu Xa coach station, Doi Che iron bridge, Song Cau bridge, and administrative divisions of Bac Thai Province.


In the exchange, Comrade Ta Hung Vy was touched of relating the time of living and fighting here in order to help Vietnamese people in the anti-American resistance war with a belief of resounding victory of the army and people of Viet Nam. He expressed his happiness to be back the old battle field, to be greeted warmly by the government and people of Thai Nguyen Province, and to see that Viet Nam is developing more and more and Vietnamese people have a prosperous, happy life. In particular, all the members of the delegation felt peaceful and heart-warming when all the Chinese martyrs’ graves located in Linh Son Commune (Dong Hy District) are cared and managed attentively.


In the warm atmosphere of the exchange, the veterans sang songs of praising the steadfast friendship and cooperation between Viet Nam and China. The Chinese veteran delegation presented the souvenirs to the Veterans’ Association of Thai Nguyen Province, especially the paintings which were drawn by Chinese veteran painters in the exchange (photo). Previously, the veterans and the relatives of the Chinese martyrs visited the cemetery of Chinese martyrs in Linh Son Commune, Dong Hy District and some beautiful sites of Thai Nguyen Province.