Meeting between General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and the Vietnamese Community of Enterprises and Entrepreneurs

09:48, 13/01/2012

In the morning of December 17th in Hanoi, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong; Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai met the Vietnamese community of businesses and entrepreneurs and listened to the report of assessment of Vietnamese business development in 2011 by Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI).

Attended the meeting were leaders of some relevant ministries, departments, localities and representatives of typical businesses, entrepreneurs in the country. On behalf of Thai Nguyen delegation, Mr. Dinh Huy Chien, Chairman of Young Enterprises, the Head of Chien Cong Industry and Transport Cooperatives, was presented.


At the meeting, Mr. Vu Tien Loc, Chairman of Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry has implemented Resolution No. 09-NQ/TW dated on 9th December of the Political Bureau on constructing and promoting the role of Vietnamese business team in the accelerative period of industrialization - modernization and international integration. This is an important resolutions of the Political Bureau, which evaluates comprehensively the development and the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs team, and also indicates the limitations and weak points of this team for the requirements of the accelerative achievements of industrialization - modernization and international integration. The development situation of Vietnamese enterprises and the business team were reported in the conference. According to the assessment, if there were 4,086 enterprises in the country in 1992, on 9th December 2011 there were over 600,000 enterprises registering operation under the Enterprise Law, over a million individual business households, 133 thousand cooperatives, etc. Through their activities, Vietnamese businesses, entrepreneurs have significantly contributed in the socio-economic development; the business sector contributed over 70% of the revenue sources of the State budget, attracted 7.4 million workers which accounted for 81.7% of non-agricultural labor force, etc.


At the meeting, representatives of businesses have raised their thoughts and aspirations, and looked forward to receiving more attention of the Party and State, especially in the current difficult context, it is necessary to have a policies, mechanisms and create favor conditions for enterprises to rescheduling of tax issues, capital for production and trade, land, etc.  Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry should raise its role in promoting trade and expanding investment cooperation between domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises, further improving the political training for businesses and entrepreneurs, etc. through which further improve awareness, thought about Vietnamese businessmen. Also at the meeting, Mr. Dinh Huy Chien reported to General Secretary on the development of Thai Nguyen enterprises in recent years. At present, there are over 3,000 businesses and entrepreneurs in Thai Nguyen with the annual significant contribution to the social-economic development of Thai Nguyen province and country. Mr. Chien also suggested that it was expected to receive much more attention of the Party and State for the development of the business community in Thai Nguyen in the future.


After listening to the speeches, General Secretary highly appreciated position and contributions of businesses and entrepreneurs in the construction and protection of the country, especially in the innovation period of and international economy integration. Secretary General stressed that in any condition or circumstance, enterprises and entrepreneurs have confirmed their position as ‘The soldiers on the economic front’, especially to be self-motivated on the way of industrialization - modernization and international economic integration.