The Meeting Place of Vietnamese and International Tea Cultures

15:20, 12/11/2011

Along with the reputation of history, geography and culture, Thai Nguyen is renowned with tea and tea products for over hundreds of years.  

Not only being the cradle of original Viet civilization, with Archaeological site Nguom-Than Sa-Vo Nhai stone roof, but also being “the second security wall on the north Thang Long imperial city”; playing the proud role of the resistant capital centre as well as essential capital during the war against French invasion; the place in where the Iron and Steel industrial- the first portion of Viet Nam heavy industry- settled. Nowadays, Thai Nguyen is the third largest centre of Education and Training all over the country, included over 20 universities, colleges, high schools and vocational training. After 25 years of carrying out the Economic Renovation, Thai Nguyen has been attempting to deserve the role of economic and culture centre of the midland and mountainous area in the North Viet Nam.


Along with the reputation of history, geography and culture, Thai Nguyen is renowned with tea and tea products in domestic and foreign for over hundreds of years and even more proudly when Thai Nguyen was chosen to combine with the Government and Central ministries to create the First International Tea Festival, Thai Nguyen - Viet Nam 2011. It is an economical and cultural event to honour tea and tea growers, builds the tea trademark of Viet Nam and provides chances to communicate with international friends, the traditional lands of tea cultivation and tea production around the world, etc.

 From the natural tea leaves on the wild mountains, tea has been known to man as an ideal drink with lots of healthy elements and with these pharmacological properties, tea has become the popular beverage on the world. In many countries, the strong development of tea can be explained by tea product itself contains many cultural values
​​and increasingly economical values. In addition to health benefits as well as the connection of human and nature, tea culture and tea cuisine today have been upgraded to the unique art. Enjoying tea helps the soul harmonize with nature, inspires for poetry and enriches the source of creativity in working.

Viet Nam, the beautiful S-shaped strip of land with 4-season tropical climate located in Southeast Asia, is one of the cradles of tea. Until now, there are about 130 thousand hectares of tea of
​​all kinds, the average yield is over 77 quintals per hectare, the country's tea production reached 824 thousand tones of fresh bud. Vietnamese tea is exported to 110 countries and territories and export value reached the outstanding number of 200 million USD per year. Viet Nam currently ranks the fifth in the world for tea output and export.


In the scent and beauty of Vietnamese tea products, the tea products of Tan Cuong in Thai Nguyen have been called “The greatest tea” for long time. With the tea area of about 19,000 hectares, Thai Nguyen is the second province of tea cultivation area (after Lam Dong). Growing tea has become one of the focuses of the Program of New rural building of Thai Nguyen province, under the motto "To accelerate the use of new varieties of high yield, good quality tea to replace the old tea area with low productivity; concentrate in planting appropriate varieties with high productivity and economic value, striving to 2015 the province will have 50% of new tea varieties area, many trade villages and production enterprises of tea with the strong trade names in the market, promoting the production of goods according to the VietGap standard". Many specialty green tea areas in Thai Nguyen city, Song Cong town, districts of Dai Tu, Dong Hy, Phu Luong ... with products meeting the national and international quality standards are helping to reaffirm the trademark of "The greatest tea" of Thai Nguyen...


The First International tea festival Thai Nguyen - Vietnam 2011, held from the 9th to 15th of November, is the major event of economics, culture and society, the meeting place of Vietnamese and international tea culture, to honour tea growers, processing companies, business groups and exporting associations of tea. The festival participants were delegations from many countries and territories that import and consume Vietnamese tea products (ie: China, Korea, India, Japan, Part Thailand, Sri Lanka, Laos, Taipei and the host country Viet Nam), 30 delegations from the lands of tea all over the country; the tea processing and trading groups in Vietnam; 44 famous tea villages in Thai Nguyen and more than 3,000 guests.


In the First International tea festival Thai Nguyen - Vietnam 2011, you can attend all 20 programs with various contents; blend into the special cultural space of teas as well as many exciting and attractive promotion activities related to ventures, investment and cooperation, especially in developing production, processing and consumption of tea.


We hope that during the festival, the internal and external representatives, distinguished guests and Vietnamese people will keep all impressive, interesting moments about the First Tea International Festival, Thai Nguyen - Vietnam 2011...