The development target of the Vietnamese tea industry

14:36, 16/11/2011

International Conference of Tea - One of the centre points of the First International Tea Festival held in Thai Nguyen on 13th November. Attending the conference are some countries, regions and provinces which have the potential and the strong point of tea. Thai Nguyen newspaper quotes some comments at the Conference.

To improve the tea planters’ life


Mr. Doan Anh Tuan, Chairman of the Viet Nam Tea Association

In Viet Nam, when mentioning the tasty tea, people think of Thai Nguyen tea immediately. Thai Nguyen tea quality has been confirmed not only on the domestic market but also on the international market. Thai Nguyen tea has touched some difficult markets such as Taiwan, Germany, and Pakistan. This is one of the advantages enabling Thai Nguyen to export tea in large quantities in the future, which would contribute to improve the lives of tea planters. However, the values
​​obtained from the tea are still not corresponding to the local potential. Most of the products exported to the foreign countries are black tea, not green tea products. Therefore, Thai Nguyen needs to develop material zones, concentrated zones in order to produce many different kinds of tea to provide the countries’ markets world-wide.



Towards the African market


Mr. Manujia Peiris, Executive Director, International Tea Committee

I am very happy to come to Thai Nguyen. People here are very friendly. The provincial leaderships worked so enthusiastically and responsibly. I was on a fact-finding tour in some famous tea areas in Thai Nguyen. I saw that the tea areas in Thai Nguyen were very beautiful, people were hard-working, laborious. Through field trips here, I saw that Thai Nguyen had many opportunities and potential of tea development and tea can be exported in large quantities to many countries in the world. Accordingly, the markets you should pay attention to are the Middle East countries, USA, Morocco, Malaysia, Ukraine, etc. Especially, through the numbers we had, Africa is also a market of vast consumption, thus, Thai Nguyen should seek opportunities to broadcast and offer tea products to this region.



The propaganda needs to be implemented well


Ms. Barbara Dufrene, Secretary-General of European Tea Committee, Editor-in-Chief of the Tea and Coffee magazine (France).

At the first time I came to Thai Nguyen, I felt very impressive. I feel I am lucky to attend the First International Tea Festival. By the way, I visited some tea areas in Thai Nguyen which had the poetic, deep green tea-terraced fields with features of mountains and forests. My comment for Thai Nguyen tea is that tea buds are pretty, small, fine, people produce manually while ensure the food safety and the good quality of tea. After this Festival, I will rewrite the story of the land, people and the specific beauties of Thai Nguyen to the readers.


In my opinion, Thai Nguyen tea has many advantages, the pretty form, good quality, but your weakest point is that there is lacking of the basic information on tea products. Not only me but many other foreigners want to know more about Thai Nguyen tea. This is also an opportunity to let Thai Nguyen tea be known much more in the international market. Therefore, the propaganda needs to implemented better for people to know Thai Nguyen tea products as well as the quality of tea products here.



Thai Nguyen tea meets the needs of fastidious customers


Mr. Steffen Dietze, Elli-Voigtstr. 5, 10367, Berlin (Germany)

I am addicted to drink tea and I know, tea is very beneficial for health. I still drink tea every day. One of the tea products I select to drink every day is Thai Nguyen tea. I just get used to drink the black tea of your country, but I have not got used to the green tea because of its acrid taste. When drinking Thai Nguyen tea, I do love because of its specific and charming smell. I can even smell that scent when brewing tea. When drinking, I feel the tea taste is very good, charming which teas in Germany do not have. You will remember Thai Nguyen tea forever though drinking once time only. Tea products in Thai Nguyen are ensured in quality and meet the needs of many fastidious customers in our country.