Thai Nguyen is Eventful at the Tea Carnaval Night

15:35, 13/11/2011

Thousands of actors, tourists directly involved in the festival, Carnaval of Thai Nguyen tea with five topics of was really jubilant, sparkling, colorful, etc.

At night of 11th November, in the 20-8 Square (Thai Nguyen city), Carnaval of Thai Nguyen tea 2011was held with the participation of over two thousand professional and amateur actors who performed many artistic acts prepared carefully, specially, attracted ten thousands of tourists to integrate to the festival and created a jubilant, colorful festival night.


As schedule of the Organization Board, Tea Carnaval night officially began at 8:00PM but thousands of local people and tourists have flocked into the streets one hour before, mixed themselves with the jubilant, animated atmosphere of the Tea festival. This made every road leading to the 20-8 Square be obstructed.  


The act participating in the festival night of Hue Art Association.


In the program, after the art performance, the model car, propaganda car were are designed in five subjects: The Greatest Tea; Thai Nguyen Tea in Vietnamese soul; Infrastructure tourism and destination of love; The peaceful span and International exchange; Thai Nguyen tea greets the International Tea Festival, the mascots, the symbol of the festival which had passes the main stage in turn. Behind cars, there were 13 blocks actors performing excitingly the acts of spirit, belief activities, the unique festivals, community life and the beautiful nature of Thai Nguyen.


Representing the scene of producing tea

The actors showed many movements of conditioning which symbolized the life, productivity labor of Thai Nguyen people through the backgrounds which were created with the eventful, animated real images, real man under the arranging and realistic art. In particular, there displayed the artistic fireworks combined with performances of the vibrant light, sound.

  Local people and tourists mix with the festival


Tens of thousands of people along the streets holding hands and singing, dancing with artists on the main roads of the city made the Tea Carnaval become the jubilant artistic night which contributed to broadcast the beautiful, friendly Thai Nguyen image to everybody.