Under the agreement of Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnamese - Belgian technical Corporation Fund and Thai Nguyen University on August 22, in Learning Resource Centre, Economic and Business Administrative University held an international Conference dicussing an issue " The essential issues to the steadily economic growth in Viet Nam: International experience and Solutions"
During the two days of the Conference, many delegates, lectures and a large number of economic students from Thai Nguyen, Ha Noi Economic Universities were shared experience about the issues: Economic growth and Inflation: Experience from Asian countries and the solutions for Viet Nam; The affect of defending intellectual property right to international commerce,investment and economic growth; Vietnamese - Belgian economic corporation, prospects and solutions... by the leading professors with the economic field in Korean, Chinese, Malaysian Institutes.
The lessons of Korea after the Asian commercial crisis in 1997 - 1998; the 30 years experience of effectuating innovation in China and the lesson about open economy in Malaysia with less affect of the global economic recession shared by the professors will help the managers, lectures, and students at different economic universities in Viet Nam draw the experience lessons and help them widen knowledge in teaching and learning. Also, they provide the managers with more information in forming the way to improve their motherland's economy.