In the morning of July 22, People's Provincial Committee worked with the related branches and IKP of the Republic of Czech in order to listen to the report on the detailed and overall Project of Coc Lake ecological tourist area. Mr Pham Xuan Duong, Vice- Provincial party committee secretary, Chairman of People's Provincial Committee prisided at the meeting.
At the meeting, the leaders of Building Service reported on the building project situation of
According to the report, Coc Lake ecological tourist area includes 8 Communes around the lake, with an area of over 12 thousands ha and the population of nearly 38 thousands people.According to the project structure, it will include 2 zones: Zone A and B. Zone A is a place of a system of cultural tourist services, convalescence, gymnastics belong to Phuc Xuan, Tan Cuong Communes (Thai Nguyen), and Tan Thai (Dai Tu). Zone B is a place of preservation and exploit the value of natural and invironmental landscape, forest and lake ecology belong to Binh Thuan, van Tho, Luc Ba Communes(Dai Tu), and Phuc Tan (Pho Yen).
At the meeting, on behalf of the People's Provincial Committee, Mr Pham Xuan Duong assigned signing a contract with IKP Company to Building Service; at the same time he required the functional branches, all levels of local administration to create good conditions for IKP company in their project designing as well as inland and foreign investors who have demand for investing in