Thai Nguyen Newspaper to use newly uncovered document on Thai Nguyen history

15:20, 22/10/2007

It is a notebook with handwritings of Vietnam’s famous leaders, great culturist and artists at their stay in Thai Nguyen from 1947 to 1949.

In the morning of the eighteenth of October 2007, Mr. Phan Huu Minh, Editor-in-chief of Thai Nguyen Newspaper has paid a visit to Mr. Pham Tat Quynh, former Deputy Chief of Propaganda of the Provincial Party Committee, who is keeping the precious notebook.

Mr. Quynh said that this notebook had been an initiative of Thai Nguyen Town’s Resistance Administrative Committee. From 1947 to 1949, the notebook was housed at the committee’s office, available for visitors to record their feelings about Thai Nguyen land and people. In 1970, it is found out when Mr. Quynh was seeking historical documents for his research.
In the notebook, there are autographs of many famous CPV and Vietnam government leaders such as Truong Chinh, Vo Nguyen Giap, Le Hoang, Chu Huy Man, Nguyen Trong Vinh, Le Liem, Le Hien Mai; many great intellectuals such as Doctor Pham Ngoc Thach, Doctor Pham Dinh Lam, Professor Pham Duy Nhuong and many artists joining the resistance war such as Nguyen Dinh Thi, Tu Mo, The Lu, Hoang Cam, Pham Duy, Van Chung, Duong Hy Chan, etc.
In the eyes of those great figures, Thai Nguyen town’s face in the first years of the resistance war against French colonists was reflected lively and multicolourly. Mr. Phan Huu Minh said that since the notebooks had been recovered, Thai Nguyen Newspaper intended to use it for later propaganda, for example the forthcoming 45th Anniversary Ceremony of Thai Nguyen City’s Foundation. Mr. Quynh was very pleased to see that the notebook will become a valuable information source for readers to understand and be proud of the city’s history.