Closing 5th National Minority Groups Games in Thai Nguyen

03:05, 25/09/2007

On September 23rd 2007, the closing ceremony of the 5th National Games of minority groups in the northern area of Viet Nam was held in Thai Nguyen.

This is an event co-ordinately organized by National Sports Committee, State Committee for Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas, National Farmer Association and Thai Nguyen Provincial People Committee.

Attending the ceremony were Ms. Trinh Thi Cuc, Member of Thai Nguyen Provincial Standing Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People Committee and Mr. Le Anh Thu, Head of Public Sport Department of Culture and Information Ministry.

With 7 contests on football, volleyball, cross-bowing, stick-pushing, Con-throwing, cross-country running, the event attracted nearly 400 minority athletes from 21 provinces in the northern area of Viet Nam.

In the closing ceremony, the first prize was awarded to Hoa Binh troupe with 18 medals. The second and third prizes belonged to Son La and Dien Bien ones respectively. Thai Nguyen troupe ranked eighth with 13 medals (one gold medal, 5 silver medals and 7 bronze medals).